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This was a very popular @JohnEDeaton1 Channel 10 Boston clip from my YT video yesterday. #DeatonforSenate
— 🌸Crypto Eri 🪝Carpe Diem (@sentosumosaba) May 15, 2024
Below is another example of @ewarren placing a political agenda above investor protection. Describing today’s @SECGov, led by @GaryGensler, as a Guardian, protecting investors, would be laughable had the SEC not caused massive financial harm to the very people it’s supposed to…
— John E Deaton (@JohnEDeaton1) May 16, 2024
"They're frightened at this point."
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) May 18, 2024
German MEP, Christine Anderson: The EU is in panic mode, as millions awaken to the "man-made climate change" scam.
"People no longer believe in [man-made climate change]... I think they're catching on to the fact that it's a gigantic lie."…
All in order to enforce and hit you with a “carbon tracker”
— Yan.x | ॐ (@euphorio_) May 18, 2024
How does that sound ?
Dutch political commentator, Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar), on the WEF's plan to roll-out a personal carbon allowance, connected to digital ID, under the guise of tackling "climate change":
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) May 17, 2024
"The CEO of one of the largest Dutch banks said, if everyone gets individual personal…
🚨🌎 The New World Order
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) May 17, 2024
“The World will move to Biometric ID”
- Tony Blair - WEF & Former UK PM
Australia are the 1st nation to submit to Digital ID Legislation ‼️
The 2030 Agenda means your Digital ID will be required to access all of everyday life.
On it will contain…
— James Rule XRP 👊😎 (@RuleXRP) May 15, 2024
Monerex is banking the unbanked in Mexico as well as creating seamless remittances around the world.
Building on the XRPL using Ripple’s technology, great things are on the horizon.
Follow @MonerexOfficial and be sure to click on their linktree link to…
Ryan compares stablecoins to sovereign currencies.
— Chip – (@stephenchip) May 15, 2024
However, there are no true sovereign currencies, as all are issued by third-party central banks, making them debt instruments rather than genuine sovereign currencies.
It's clear why politicians favor stablecoins: they are…
In 2011, Fed Chairman Bernanke told Congress that QE was not debt monetization because the balance sheet would have no permanent increase.
— Lyn Alden (@LynAldenContact) May 18, 2024
It's now about 3x higher than when he said that, and 8x higher than the pre-crisis level. So by his definition, it was debt monetization.